About Me

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I am a wife to an awesome husband and a mom to 2 cute kids, 3 & 1. I love finding creative things to try, both with my 3 year old and on my own. It's hard to find time to be crafty between wife and mother duties, but when I find the time... it's a craftiful life! I hope some of the projects I write about will inspire you to have a craftiful life too!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Recently, I've been inspired by people around me to try new things.  I'm probably the most inspired by my sister-in-law, who recently bought a house and has become a decorating fiend!  Her budget isn't huge, but she is doing some amazing work for little money.  She's been blogging her progress and it's been so inspiring following her along her journey.  You can check her page out at House by Numbers .  I've enjoyed her sharing and I thought maybe some people out there would enjoy my sharing??  Just maybe??

Blogging is something that is very new to me and I'm not quite sure what to expect, but I hope that in taking a step towards trying something new I will feel some sort of accomplishment.  My reason for this blog is to show you all what kind of projects I've been working on and have done.  And my hope is that some of you will become inspired.

1 comment:

  1. Awww - thanks for the encouragement Danae! And totally already inspired by all you've done at your new digs up in the North! I am PROUDLY your first follower!! :) Can't wait to see what that Cricket can do!!
