About Me

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I am a wife to an awesome husband and a mom to 2 cute kids, 3 & 1. I love finding creative things to try, both with my 3 year old and on my own. It's hard to find time to be crafty between wife and mother duties, but when I find the time... it's a craftiful life! I hope some of the projects I write about will inspire you to have a craftiful life too!

Friday, April 20, 2012

A nice splash of color

I had seen some old baby receiving blankets on our local buy and sell webpage and wondered what I could make out of them... after looking online for some ideas I came across this how to on braided rugs. 

So I got those old receiving blankets and started ripping them up!  I eventually decided the rug would go nicely infront of my washer & dryer. 

I would, however, like to warn you of two things before you try and attempt this project.  1. Make sure it's not too big a rug.  I measured the rug out to go infront of my washer and dryer but realized the space was a bit bigger than I first thought.  2. make sure you have the time!  I quickly found myself braiding and hand-stitching for a good week or two, but I think it was worth the work because I'm so proud of how it looks!  Definitely a nice splash of color to my dark and dreary laundry/storage room.

And now... I know you've been dying to see how it turned out... 

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Easter Time

Seeing as how Easter is this weekend, I've been trying to do different Easter related crafts with my daughter this week.  We ended up painting Easter things (because painting is her favorite). 

I was trying to come up with some different fun crafts when my M-I-L sent me this great idea for Easter Baskets.  The baskets were a bit tricky for my 3 year old daughter, so I went in on this one alone.  I think they turned out really cute. 

The website I referred to above has a great tutorial if your interested in making them.  The only thing I did different was I actually used the plastic container to create a more sturdier basket.  I just cut off the lip of the containter and taped the paper to the inside of the plastic container. 

I think the kids are going to love using them while they hunt for their Easter surprises!