About Me

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I am a wife to an awesome husband and a mom to 2 cute kids, 3 & 1. I love finding creative things to try, both with my 3 year old and on my own. It's hard to find time to be crafty between wife and mother duties, but when I find the time... it's a craftiful life! I hope some of the projects I write about will inspire you to have a craftiful life too!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Babies & Diaper Cakes

I'm 26 years old, and a mother of 1, well I guess 2 technically.  Although the second won't be seeing us for a few more months.  I'm at that phase of life where babies are everywhere!  My friends are having babies, I'm having babies, I'm noticing everyone else around me has babies.  It's a great phase of life to be in and being able to witness all this new life starting is amazing!

A few months ago I had to decorate a shower for a friend and her little boy.  I tried desperately to come up with a theme, I originally had thought Noah's Ark, but that just wasn't working out.  In trying to find ideas online I came across diaper cakes.  (For those that don't know, they are diapers wound tightly to look like a cake.)  The one that stood out the most was the jungle cakes.  My theme was decided: 
J   U  N  G  L  E  ! 

I wish I had taken more pictures of the shower, but alas I did not have time.  You can just trust me that the jungle theme decor was beautiful and everything turned out cute.  I can show you this diaper cake that I was so proud of though:

After the shower was over I gave it to the new mommy.  It was a great way to incoporate my gift into the decor.