About Me

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I am a wife to an awesome husband and a mom to 2 cute kids, 3 & 1. I love finding creative things to try, both with my 3 year old and on my own. It's hard to find time to be crafty between wife and mother duties, but when I find the time... it's a craftiful life! I hope some of the projects I write about will inspire you to have a craftiful life too!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Christmas in October

A few days ago I woke up to this...

So, naturally, I got out the Christmas tunes and started working on some Christmas projects.  How could you not be in the mood for Christmas when the world outside is white and you have three layers of clothes on just to keep warm?  I figure I might as well embrace the snow and enjoy it... seeing as how it's going to be around for the next 6 months... 

One of my newest projects is my Advent calendar.  I had started it last Christmas, but didn't get around to finishing it.  It's finally completed and ready to be used!  I guess it's a little early to start counting, but I thought I'd be prepared for when the time comes. 

Now onto the next Christmas project!
(Don't worry, I haven't cracked open the decorations quite yet... I do have some self control...) 


Thursday, October 21, 2010

Cards for Little Ones

While I'm on the topic of babies, I thought I might show a few of my cards from my collection of baby cards.  I've pre-made a few just incase a baby comes... I'm prepared!  They aren't too fancy, but they look cute and they're really easy to make!  and they're Jungle themed!  A trend I'm sure you're bound to see in my baby decor...

Hope you enjoyed them!  

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Babies & Diaper Cakes

I'm 26 years old, and a mother of 1, well I guess 2 technically.  Although the second won't be seeing us for a few more months.  I'm at that phase of life where babies are everywhere!  My friends are having babies, I'm having babies, I'm noticing everyone else around me has babies.  It's a great phase of life to be in and being able to witness all this new life starting is amazing!

A few months ago I had to decorate a shower for a friend and her little boy.  I tried desperately to come up with a theme, I originally had thought Noah's Ark, but that just wasn't working out.  In trying to find ideas online I came across diaper cakes.  (For those that don't know, they are diapers wound tightly to look like a cake.)  The one that stood out the most was the jungle cakes.  My theme was decided: 
J   U  N  G  L  E  ! 

I wish I had taken more pictures of the shower, but alas I did not have time.  You can just trust me that the jungle theme decor was beautiful and everything turned out cute.  I can show you this diaper cake that I was so proud of though:

After the shower was over I gave it to the new mommy.  It was a great way to incoporate my gift into the decor.  


Recently, I've been inspired by people around me to try new things.  I'm probably the most inspired by my sister-in-law, who recently bought a house and has become a decorating fiend!  Her budget isn't huge, but she is doing some amazing work for little money.  She's been blogging her progress and it's been so inspiring following her along her journey.  You can check her page out at House by Numbers .  I've enjoyed her sharing and I thought maybe some people out there would enjoy my sharing??  Just maybe??

Blogging is something that is very new to me and I'm not quite sure what to expect, but I hope that in taking a step towards trying something new I will feel some sort of accomplishment.  My reason for this blog is to show you all what kind of projects I've been working on and have done.  And my hope is that some of you will become inspired.