About Me

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I am a wife to an awesome husband and a mom to 2 cute kids, 3 & 1. I love finding creative things to try, both with my 3 year old and on my own. It's hard to find time to be crafty between wife and mother duties, but when I find the time... it's a craftiful life! I hope some of the projects I write about will inspire you to have a craftiful life too!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Remembering Our Vows

We are coming up on our 4th wedding anniversary and I still had yet to put up wedding photos. 
So, I decided my project for the day would be to get creative and get those wedding photos up!  I found this neat project in a book I bought and thought I'd try it out.

I'm not quite sure if they will stay this way, or if after looking at it everyday will cause me to do a revision.  But for now, I'm satisfied. 

I took two canvases and covered them with fabric I liked.

Took three cheap, light silver photo frames and stuck them on with tape. (might need a little glue depending on how heavy the frame is)

Added some ribbon and paper flowers with brads.

Typed out our vows and a song that was sung on our wedding.

Now we have no excuse remembering what we promised each other that day...

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Redesigned Clock

I usually love a good before/after blog, but unfortunately I can't find a before picture of my newly redesigned clock. So, instead of showing the before picture, I'll tell you the story of how it all happened... 

One afternoon I was sitting in my craft room having a bit of scrappers block (you know... writters block, only for scrapbookers), when I started to look to my black and white clock for inspiration.

After what seemed like hours of staring and listening to the tick tick tick of the clock, inspiration came!!! But it wasn't for my scrapbook page, instead it was for the clock.  I imediately took the clock off the wall to see if it would come apart nicely... and to my exitement it did!

I cut a circle out of white paper for the background, added some paper flowers and buttons, and cut the numbers using my Alphalicious cricut cartridge. 

Now it's back on the wall; and I am now staring at a pretty clock still waiting for inspiration...